Query NLP Information Extraction request status and retrieve results

Check on the status of the request which has been successfully submitted, using the request_id received on submission of that request.

If results are available, the body of the response will contain a JSON object with labelled and tagged constructs.
Otherwise, HTTP status code 204 is returned with an empty response. Use the x-status header in the response to determine the request status.

Response body

If the request status is “Ready” or “Completed”, the body of the response will contain a JSON object with entities labelled and extracted.

Response headers

  • x-status - One of the following indicating the current status of the request:
“Received”The request has been received but processing hasn’t started
“Queued”One or more sub-components of the request have been queued for processing
“Pending”All the components of the request have been queued for processing
“Ready”All components of the request are finished processing but the user callback to the user has not occurred.
“Completed”The request has finished processing and the user callback, if provided has been called.
“Failed”An error occurred processing the request.
  • x-error - If the request failed, this would contain an error message.
  • x-progress - Percentage (0-100) of the input that has completed processing.
  • x-userdata - This will contain the user data supplied with the original request.


Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!